Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Acne is a skin condition common in adolescents and young adults. Comedones, which often become inflamed and form papules, pustules, modules and cysts, which usually occur on the face, chest and back, characterize this.

Water Treatment
1. Wash face with warm water using mild soap, 3 times a day.
2. Steam face for 5 minutes after washing, once a day.
3. Avoid touching face with fingers. Don’t prick pimples with fingers.
4. Drink plenty of fruit juices and fresh water.
5. Get enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours a day.
6. Eat less of starchy foods, sweets, chocolates and nuts. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Herbal Medication
1. Ripe papaya/Papu with Lemon Juice. Mix three tablespoons of mashed ripe papaya/papu, with 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Apply on the face every after washing. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash face with warm water. You may leave it on the face overnight if you can tolerate it.
2. Sabila or Aloe Vera leaves. Get one leaf and peel the outer covering. Rub the juice on the face every after washing with warm water. Leave it on for 30 minutes. You may leave it on the face overnight if you can tolerate it.
3. Romero or Rosemarie Leaves. Crush 5 leaves and extract the juice form it. Apply the juice on the face after washing it with warm water. Leave it on overnight.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin.

Water Treatment:
1. Starch Bath, once a day.
2. Use dry starch as powder if the skin is itchy and dry at night.
3. Don’t use soap when taking a bath; take a starch bath instead.
4. Don’t scratch skin when itchy.

Herbal Remedy for Skin Eruptions and Dermatitis:
1. Comfrey Leaves. Crush and extract juice for the leaves. Apply the juice on the skin that is affected, 3 times a day.
2. Balete Bark. Boil 1 cup of chopped bark in ½ gallon of water for 10 minutes. Wash area with decoction, 2 times a day. This may be done instead of starch bath.
3. Kalatsutsi or Graveyard Flower Sap. Get the sap of the flower from the trunk and mix with a few drops of baby oil. Apply directly to the affected skin area.
4. Kakawate or Madre de Cacao. Crush 10 leaves and extract the juice. Apply on the affected skin but do not rub. Apply as often as necessary for itchiness.


An immersion bath in starchy water for soothing effect.

1. Relieves skin irritation.
2. Soothes burning and itching sensations.
3. Tendency to dry skin.

Thing needed:
1. Bathtub. For babies. Big basin may be used.
2. Big drum or plastic water container for adults, big enough to soak their entire body.
3. Two glasses of starch or locally known as “gawgaw” for adults; ½ glass for babies and children.
4. One bath towel.
5. Face towel.

1. Fill up the tub 2/3 full with warm water. Water should be deep enough to immerse the affected areas. Use bathtub if whole body is affected.
2. Melt starch in cold water in a small basin. Mix well the melted starch into the tub of water.
3. Undress the patient and assist him into the tub.
4. With the face towel, bathe the parts not immersed. Wet the head or hair if the scalp is affected. Immerse patient for 20 minutes, but do not rub him with towel.
5. After 20 minutes, drain water and pat dry the patient with dry towel. Don’t give him shower or rinse the starch. Don’t use soap even for washing hands, unless the physician orders specific soap.
6. Keep the patient warm and avoid chilling.
7. Get daily bath or twice a day, depending upon the patient’s condition.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Hyperacidity is the excessive secretion of acid in the stomach, which may be caused by due to tension, starvation and other causes.

Suggested for Relief of Symptoms:
1. Learn to relax and exercise.
2. Have a regular meal time.
3. Drink water between and not during meals.
4. Don’t eat spicy and hot foods.

Herbal Neutralizer to Help Relieve Symptoms:
1. Carrots and Cabbage Juice. Wash and slice in pieces one big carrot and ¼ kilo cabbage. Osterize the carrots and cabbage with 2 glasses of water. Strain and add to 1-tablespoon sugar. Sugar is optional. Keep in refrigerator to cool. Prepare for one day’s supply only. Drink 1 glass of carrot and cabbage juice 30 minutes before meals, and when there is gastric pain.
2. Olive Oil. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals for severe symptoms.

Note: Do this only when there are symptoms. Olive Oil may increase cholesterol blood level.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hemorrhoids are multiple plexuses of varicose veins in the lower rectum or anus.

Water Treatment Using Herbal Decoctions:
1. Hit sits bath, 2 times a day.
2. Use any of one of these herbal leaves in making decoction for hot sit bath:
Kamias or Ginger Lily leaves. Boil 3 cups of chopped fresh leaves in 2 gallons of water for 10 minutes. Strain. Use decoction for the hot sit bath.
Patola or Bath Sponge Leaves. Wash and chop about 20 leaves and boil in 2 gallons of water for 10 minutes. Strain. Use decoction for the hot sit bath.

Herbal Medication:
1. Ampalaya or Bitter melon roots, fruits and seeds. Wash and chop the roots, fruits and seeds. Extract the juice and mix with oil. Use ½ cup chopped roots, fruits and seeds with 2 tablespoons of oil. Wet cotton with the amplaya-oil mixture and apply on the hemorrhoids after the hot sit bath.


Rheumatism is a form of arthritis affecting joints of the extremities.

Water Treatment:

  1. Heating compress on the affected joints, every night.
  2. Fomentation on the joints, once a day.
  3. Hot compress on the joints, once or twice a day for severe cases.
  4. Rest the extremity if there is severe pain and swelling.
  5. After swelling is gone, patient may do mild non-weight-bearing exercises.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


A partial submersion bath covering the pelvic and the anal areas.

1. Relieves pain after rectal operation.
2. Hastens healing and cleaning of the operated area.
3. Relives cramps and spasms in the pelvic region and urinary bladder.
4. Stimulates pelvic circulation.
5. Relaxes urinary bladder.

Things needed:
1. One large basin-deep enough for a person to sit in.
2. One smaller basin with ice or cold water and compress.
3. One towel, long enough to go around the head.
4. One smaller basin for the foot bath.
5. A sheet or blanket for wrapping around the body.
6. One Bath towel.
7. One large kettle for boiling of water.
8. One chair or stool.

1. Boil water in large kettle.
2. Put the large basin on the chair or on the floor, with small amount of water, hot enough for the patient to sit in it.
3. Remove clothing, underwear and under dressings if there are any. Drape with sheet or blanket.
4. Assist the patient to sit on the basin, placing the feet in the smaller basin of hot water.
5. Apply cold compress on the forehead and gradually add hot water to the hot sits basin and the foot basin, increasing the water temperature to the patient’s tolerance. Stir the water with hand as you add hot water. Be careful not to pour hot water on the patient’s buttocks and feet.
6. Renew cold compress to the head as often as you can. Continue adding hot water for from 20 to 30 minutes.
7. At the end of the treatment, pour cold water to the hot sits bath basin. Raise the feet and pour cold water to the feet and dry well.
8. Assist the patient out of the basin and give warm shower or sponge bath.
9. Let patient rest and keep warm after treatment.

Note: Hot sits bath is best done in the bathroom for the floor is likely to get wet.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Fractures are brakes in the bones. A simple fracture is one where there is no wound on the skin. A compound fracture is one where a broken bone protrudes through the skin.

First Aid:

  1. Don’t lift the victim. Let him lie flat on the ground or where you found him. Don’t massage or use any herbal concoction or poultice on the fracture.
  2. Examine the body for bleeding but do not move the extremities. If he is conscious, ask him where it hurts.
  3. When the fracture is identified, immobilize the body part. Get two pieces of wood or sticks and splint the fractured leg or arm. Cut out his clothes or his shirt to lie the splint if the strings are not available. Handkerchiefs may be used, if available, to lie the splint.
  4. The splint should be placed to limit the movement of the joints. The fractured arm can be tied up on the other leg if splint materials are not available.
  5. Transport the victim carefully and right away to the nearest hospital for immediate care.


Every article that I write about are carefully researched and studied. It has been observed that in this generation that many are getting sick and the modern medicines are left behind for they cannot cure the diseases of this generation. In China, traditional medicines are still being used to treat common sickness and even the severe ones. They relied on these medicines to cure for the ailments or sickness that they are experiencing. The traditional medicines worked and was able to cure but because of science and the deeper studies conducted by modern doctors, have left the traditional medicines behind. We are all focused on commercial medicines. This time I will incorporate herbal form of medicines in every sickness that I will be blogging here.

I strongly believe that the cure of dreaded diseases such as cancer and even AIDS can only be found and be provided by mother nature. Let us try to go back and see what nature has to offer us.


Herpes simplex is an acute viral disease, characterized by groups of vesicles or small blisters. Commonly recurrent, herpes is at times seen in the small place it was seen before.

Water Treatment and Herbal Decoctions:
1. Daily bath with soap and warm water.
2. Kalatsutsi juice or Graveyard flower juice: extract juice from the leaves. Apply directly on the lesions 3 times a day.
3. Adelfa or Oleander bark and leaves. Mix well 1 cup of chopped leaves and bark with 2 tablespoons of oil. Apply on the lesions, 3 times a day.
4. Akapulko or Ringworm bush leaves. Extract juice from the leaves. Apply juice directly on the lesions.
5. Singkamas or Yam bean Seeds. Pound or grind the seeds and boil in 2 tabalespoons of oil for 5 minutes. Apply on the lesions 3 times a day.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of any of the Para nasal sinuses, as the frontal, maxillary or ethmoidal sinuses.

Water Treatment:
1. Steam inhalation, 2 times a day.
2. Hot footbath. If headache is due to head congestions.
3. Hot compress on the sinuses.
4. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water or fruit juices during the day.
5. Avoid eating sweet and oily foods.



Flatulence is the presence of excessive gas in the stomach and in the intestinal tract.

Water Treatments:

1. Fomentation of the abdomen, 2 times a day.
2. Turpentine stupes, 2 times a day.
3. Heating compress on the abdomen overnight.
4. Rectal tube insertion for severe gas pain, especially for babies.


Heating Compress is a mild, prolonged application of moist heat of several hours duration.

1. Relaxes the muscles.
2. Relieves the pain of the throat and rheumatic joints.
3. Relieves abdominal discomfort.
4. Reduces joint inflammation.
5. A mild heating effect.

Things need:
1. A piece of cotton cloth, folded for moderate thickness, about two inches wide and lone enough to wrap around the neck or joint twice.
2. Piece of flannel cloth, about four inches long and wide enough to wrap around the patient’s joint or neck. A baby’s flannel blanket or diaper, folded lengthwise, will be just right for the knees.
3. Two safety pins.
4. If medicated compress is ordered, use he medication prescribed. A commercial vaporub may be used in the process.

1. Soak cloth with tap water. Wring and put around the neck or joint twice. Be sure that the wet cloth is neither too wet nor too dry. If medicated compress is applied, rub area with prescribed medication or ointment. Do not wet the cloth with water but wrap the cloth around the area dry after the medication is applied.
2. Apply compress smoothly and quickly to avoid chilling.
3. With the piece of flannel cloth, wrap compress snugly to exclude air and pin securely on the side of the neck or joint.
4. Leave compress on overnight or at least 6-8 hours before removing it.
5. Take care that the compress is not too tight so it does not interfere with the blood circulation in the area which heating compress is applied.
6. Rub the area with a cloth wrung out of cold water (tap water) immediately after removing the heating compress in the morning or after 6-8 hours.
7. Dry area thoroughly. Compress may be applied once or twice a day.

Note: It is best to apply a heating compress at night just before sleeping.


A fomentation is described as a local application of moist heat by means of cloth wrung from boiling water or from steam tank.

1. Increases blood flow to the area.
2. Relaxes muscles.
3. Sedative effect, if applied on the spine.
4. Relaxes pain.
5. Relaxes spasm or cramps.
6. Relieves congestions.
7. Produces sweating.

Thing needed:
1. At least five bath towels.
2. A small basin of ice water.
3. One washcloth or face towel for compress.
4. One blanket or sheet to cover the patient.
5. One kettle of boiling water.

1. Remove patient’s clothing and cover with sheet or blanket.
2. Have a basin of ice water and compress at bedside of the patient.
3. Close windows near patient’s bed to avoid drafts.
4. Cover the area to be treated with one bath towel.
5. Wring out one bath towel from boiling water.
6. Spread the dry towel on the table and wrap the hot towel.
7. Apply the hot towel to the body area to be treated, over the dry towel.
8. Apply cold compress to the patient’s head. Change if three times during application of each fomentation.
9. Give three changes of hot fomentation, drying the treated area quickly between applications. Change fomentation every 5 minutes or till it gets warm or cool. Don’t wait till towel get cold before removing it.
10. Have hot towel ready before used hot towels are removed from the treated area.
11. After the last fomentation, rub the area with a cold compress wrung from the ice water.
12. Dry thoroughly and give sponge or warm bath if desired.
13. Let patient rest after the treatment.

1. Protect sensitive parts of the body like bony areas, and also recent scars. Very thin patients have more bony areas only warm fomentation is recommended.
2. In cases of severe pain, have fomentations as hot as could be tolerated without burning the patient’s skin.
3. If fomentation is unbearably hot, rub areas with hand under hot towel or double the towel insulator.
4. Avoid chilling patient. If patient’s feet are cold wrap the feet with hot fomentations taking precautions not to burn the heels and toes.
5. Take precautions with diabetic and unconscious patients. Children and elderly patients are sensitive to heat. They have poor sensation and are easily burned. Give only warm fomentations.