Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hot Sponge Bath: is given to patients with very high fever but whose skin of the legs and arms are cold. Water for hot sponge bath should be as hot as can be tolerated. The sponge bath should be done fast and with friction to encourage blood to surface. The sponge may be repeated after 1 or 2 hours if the fever persists.

a. Make the patient comfortable. Remove clothing and cover with cover with sheet or blanket. Close windows to avoid drafts.
b. Protect the bed with towels as each part is being sponged. Put one bath towel across the chest and sponge the face, ears and neck. Dry the areas that had been sponged with the towel across the chest.
c. Sponge on part at a time in the following order: arms, chest, abdomen, legs, feet, and back. For the arm or leg. Spread the towel under the whole length of the arm or leg while it is being sponged. Rub skin briefly with face towel to draw blood to the surface. Dry each part after the sponge to avoid chilling. Be sure that the patient is dry before replacing clothing and covers. Hot drinks (lemonade juice) can be offered to encourage perspiration.