Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Benefits of sleeping enough hours at night

 Are you sleeping late? I do before. When I was working in 2008, I always sleep late around  1 am and I would wake up as early as 6 am. Just 5 hours of sleep, I thought it was just normal and nothing to worry about. But I was wrong. Because of lacking sleep, I would experience fatigue and dryness on my skin. I went to a doctor and consulted my status. He said to me that because of lack of sleep, I experienced these things and it is not good for me. 

Aside from fatigue and skin dryness, my blood pressure is also unstable. For the first time I got to feel the 160/100 blood pressure and I felt really different. It was dangerous for I might get stroke and heart problem. In my condition, I need to change my sleeping habit and it must happen immediately.

From 1 am bedtime, I changed it to 9 pm and regularly I would wake-up at 5 am. ( hours of sleep really matters. Because of sleeping early and having enough sleep I experienced the following:

1. Normal Blood pressure.

2. Healthy glowing skin.

3. Full changed in my daily activity without feeling any fatigue.

My officemate noticed the big difference knowing that I sleep enough hours at night.