Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I would be honest to all. There is no absolute cure for cancer at this very moment. The present medical solution for cancer patients is to undergo operation or radiation. Actually these medical operations cannot eliminate the cancer cells from generating. These operations might slow down the growth of cancer cells but not eliminating them from the patient's body.

There are cases that the patient diagnosed with cancer was cured. The early detection of the cancer might be helpful but still there is no cure of it. The medical field is still on the process of researching the cure for cancer.

As they say prevention is better than cure. That statement is absolutely correct. People sometimes tend to abuse their body. Let us take for example lung cancer. Lung Cancer is caused by smoking. It is the main cause of this type of cancer and is considered one of the most deadly disease. Eliminating the habit of smoking removes the person from the candidates of lung cancer patients.