Saturday, February 20, 2010


I still do my charity medical missions even now. Many doctors were asking me about my agenda of still doing the charity mission, considering the distance of the locations that I have to do just to do some charitable medical missions. Basically, I am very much amazed with how the local people in a remote location able to find a remedy for their illnesses.

Just like malaria. We all know how it can do much damage on our health and the effects of it when not treated immediately. There are many cases that patients that neglected their condition lead to deaths. But there is one remote area where locals have already developed immunity to the sickness or the malaria strain. Their blood has adopted top to malaria and there were no cases registered in their local health center. Aside that, they have also used the wonders of herbal medicines to cure their sicknesses.

They use garlic for their high blood pressure, tawa-tawa grass for dengue fever attacks, coconut fresh water to get rid of their kidney stones and others more. I really learn much medicines when I do my charity work or medical missions in the provinces or rural areas.