Saturday, May 23, 2009


The are many kinds of medicines right now that caters to our different skin problems. There are also surgery made to make the process fast, especially for those who are in a hurry. But actually our skin problems are easy to deal about with the help of mother nature. Let us enumerate the types of skin problems and mother nature's natural medicine to cure these skin problems.

1. Wrinkles. This type of skin problem is the result of aging and too much exposure to sunlight. For wrinkles, an avocado mud is advised to patients. First is to get at least 2 ripe avocados scrape the fruit out. Mash the fruit well and apply it in your face before sleeping. Others would leave the mash fruit in their face. Do this for a month and see the result.

2. Eye bags. Eye bags is caused by too late of sleeping and sometimes over work or stress factor can cause it. For this, we will need some cucumber slices. Place the slices in our eyes as we go to sleep. Eye covers will also be helpful in keeping the cucumber slices as we sleep. Do this herbal way for at least a week and see a good result after wards.

3. Oily Skin. Well this can be caused by to much exposure to dust and heat. Our skin produces natural oils as protection against the dust. To control the oil from our face, we need to wash our face at least three times a day with water. others would use soap and that is just fine. But water therapy would be advisable.

4. Pimples. Pimples is the end product of oily skin. That is why wee need to wash our face with clean water to flush out the dirt and dust from our face.

5. Underarm Odor. Well this is very common to people who sweat to much. Sweating can cause body odor. To get rid of it, lemonsito or lemon rub is advised. The juice from the lemon is applied in the armpit and let it dry. Always wear clean and fresh shirts and clothes to avoid body odor. Never use others shirt for this can also lead to body odor.

6. Scabies. This type of skin disorder is caused by germs that lead to itchiness and rashes. The herbal way to dealing with it is by using the guava leaves soak and bath. We will be needing 10 or more guava leaves and boil them in water. The more water the better. Wash the area with scabies and let it dry. Scabies will be gone in no time.

7. Skin Itchiness. There are many cause of itchiness, sometimes it is caused by allergies and insect bites. For easing the itchiness, starch bath is very much advised. Get cassava starch and mix it with water. When the cassava starch has totally dissolved in the water, use the water in cleaning the itchy area of our body. Guaranteed to get the itch out.

There are other skin problems that can be solved by mother nature. Let nature work by allowing herbal methods in dealing with our skin problems and more.