Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Cervical cancer is said to be the no. 1 major killer when it comes to cancer cases on women. Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV or the human papillomavirus. The key to this type of cancer is the early detection before it spreads widely and unstoppable. Pap smear is the test that is perform in order to detect the human papillomavirus. Vaginal bleeding, this is the most common symtoms but in advance stages the viginal bleeding is not evident and when detected in is already unstoppable. Surgical operation is done when in the early stages. But in advance stages patients must undergo the chemotherapy and the radiotherapy.

There is a vaccine available for this type of cancer. Pap smear is said to be done in order to find out if a woman has the cancer or not. But the problem is that this type of procedure is quite expensive, especially for those women living in the under developed countries. That is why there is an alternative test as a substitute for the pap smear procedure and that is called the VIA or the Visual Inspection with Acetic acid. This is also equally accurate and safe to administer to patients. This is nature's way of helping us in dealing with this type of cancer. The early detection is the key to stop the spread of this type of cancer. When tried and resulted to negative, it is advised to do the procedure again after 3 to 5 years. This type pf procedure is advised by the Department of Health, especially those who are living in the third world countries.