Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Many are asking me about my article about the miracle of vinegar can do to patients with high fever. That is right. Vinegar is the best remedy for patient with high fever. I tried it myself and it worked in miracle.

For the vinegar rub, you will be needing the following material for making the vinegar rub.

1. 1/4 cup vinegar (cane)
2. 1/2 cup water
3. Cloth or handkerchief
4. Basin or a bucket


1. Mix vinegar and water into the basin.
2. soak the cloth or handkerchief for about 3 minutes
3. Slowly apply the vinegar mixture by wiping the arms, neck, forehead, armpits, legs and the chest area. it would also be good to rub the back of the patients with the vinegar mixture.
4. When all body parts were wiped with vinegar, place the cloth in the forehead of the patients for 20 minutes. Continue doing the rub until fever subsides.

This simple medical remedy for fever is the most effective way of recovering from fever.