Monday, January 18, 2010


It is safe to say right now that heart related problem is the number one killer right now. More than cancer and aids, heart attack kills more than those mentioned health problems. People with heart problems should always bring their medicines with them. Failing to take the medicine is a big NO!

Heart attack cases right now is rapidly increasing and the age is getting younger. My classmate died because of an heart attack when we where just 17 years old. They say that only fat people are at risk of this. But that is a total misstatement to say. Even those people with low body weight are also at risk of a heart attack.

Doctors right now are doing their best to solve the problem. New medicines right are being developed to fight heart attack or heart related ailments. But the best way to prevent a heart attack is just to take the daily medicines are prescribed by doctors. Aside from medicine, people with heart problems should avoid staying up late or engaging in activities that can lead to stress.

To combat stress, you need to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day. Stay away from vices, especially drinking and smoking. Sleep early as possible and eat fresh foods, vegetables and fruits are very ideal to avoid heart problems later on. Prevention is better than cure. Be healthy and be smart in taking care of your health.