Monday, March 22, 2010


Angina is a heart pain caused by lack of oxygen running in the blood vessels going to the heart. it is also said that angina is caused by partially blocked coronary arteries feeding insufficient blood to the heart. Angina can sometime be linked by indigestion. But medical doctors must be cautious about it. Chest pains can also be felt by patients who are suffering from angina heart problem.

Angina prevention:

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, if necessary.
2. Stop smoking and have a regular cholesterol and blood pressure check-ups.
3. Take regular gentle exercise. When chest pains are felt, stop slowly.
4. Consider counseling or anger management for emotional outburst.
5. Drink water often, avoid dehydrating your body.

There are nitrate drugs to control angina. These come in as skin patches, sprays and tablets to dissolve under the tongue. Transplant surgery can give some patients a new ease in life by the replacement of the blocked coronary arteries with a new vessels fashioned from veins taken from the legs. This medical procedure can also be stressful to patients experiencing angina.