Saturday, November 27, 2010


In today's generation, many people are already suffering from high blood sugar and that means that it would lead to diabetes. In the medical news lately, many people are now type 2 diabetes due to high sugar in take and even hereditary in nature. Diabetes is a silent killer and can cause medical problems to patients with high blood sugar.

There are many available medicines that are good and effective in lowering blood sugar gradually. These medicines do help but can also lead to another health problems in the future. It is advisable to use natures way in healing ones body. It has been studied and proven that ampalaya is very effective in reducing blood sugar, faster than synthetic drugs that are available in drugstores nationwide. In treating high blood sugar, here are the things needs:

1. Ampalaya vegetable around 2 kilos.
2.water hot.


1. Chop the ampalaya in small pieces. No need to peel the green part because it is the main source of the nutrient that can lower blood sugar.
2. Submerge the entire chopped ampalaya in hot water. Let it stay there for 5 minutes until the hotness of the water cools down
3. Drink the water at least 3 times a day. It can be doubled depending on the patience tolerance to the bitter taste of the ampalaya.

This is one healthy drink that is already proven to lower blood sugar of people and minimizing the risk of having diabetes in the near future.