Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I was doing my rounds in the hospital when I met this patient in the emergency room. I thought it was just a normal case but it was not. The patient was experiencing swollen hand and wrist and there must be a surgery or else the patient might suffer more from the medical problem. As a medical practitioner, I immediately called my co-doctor in the Hand Surgeon Los Angeles,
to check the patient's hand condition. After a thorough medical check on the hand of the patient, the patient was suffering from a carpal release syndrome. The Carpal Tunnel Surgery Los Angeles is the best place I know that can perform a medical procedure that can ease the patient's hand problem.

It is expected that after the patient undergo the treatment of his hand, it would be fine and the pain will be gone. The patient is also suffering from a health problem called ganglion cyst. It is a like a protrude in the surface of the hand it doesn't need any surgery. But if the non- surgical treatment is not enough it can also be operated. But there is a Ganglion Cyst Doctor Los Angeles
that can easily be called for this cyst.

The final verdict for the patient is that he needs to undergo medical surgery for the cyst and a special treatment for his carpal release syndrome. The patient was scheduled tomorrow and the medical director told me that I have to be present in the operation of the patient. The hand surgery is a must to end the patient's hand pain problem.