Saturday, December 4, 2010


Many people are having skin itchiness and this itch can lead to a more serious skin problems when not treated immediately. In many cases, the use of anti allergy drugs are common but in some cases, the use of these drugs are no longer needed when you know the basic medical cure for skin itchiness. For treatment of skin itchiness, use guava leaves in getting rid of the itch instantly. For this medical procedure, we will be needing the following:

1. 10 pieces young guava leaves.
2. hot water in a basin.
3. dry cloth.

Medical Procedure:

1. place all the guava leaves into the basin with hot water. Leave the leaves there for about 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Remove the leaves from the basin of hot water. Let the water cool down its hotness.
3. Dip the cloth into the basin and rub the places in your body where there is itchiness.

This medical procedure is effective and cost efficient also. Using guava leaves is the best solution to fight skin itchiness in an instant. But when the itchiness continues, it would be best to consult a skin doctor immediately.