Friday, July 22, 2011


We sometimes neglect a simple cough. A cough for 1 to 2 weeks can already be dangerous. We should always be cautious with cough because a simple cough can be asthma in the coming days. That is why we should seek medial attention imeediately.

There are 2 ways how to be asthmatic. One , is by hereditary. Once your family has a history of asthma, then you might also get one because it is already part of your genes. The second is by acquired. This is more about the surroundings that you are in. In many cases people living in polluted areas. People living in this kind of environment has a high possibility to get asthma.

For asthma prevention, we must always be prepared of the signs as follows:

1. Coughing for about 1 to 2 weeks.
2. Hard cough is always the first sign of asthma.
3. Difficulty in breathing once coughing.
4. Perspiration during coughing.

These are just the early signs of asthma and once detected, one should always seek medical attention. In hospitals, the nebulizing patients with asthma to ease the breathing of the patient and to calm down the lungs. There is also medicines that are administered by the hospital to ease the patient. It is always best to seek medical attention before a cough mutates into asthma. Always remember, prevention is better than cure. n the case of asthmatic patients, the case is recurring.