Monday, April 13, 2009


The evening primrose oil is an oil extracted from evening primrose plant with a scientific name of Oenothera plant. This plant is widely grown in Europe, Asia, North and South America regions. The plant was primarily used as house ornamentals. But is a good herb with a medicinal value. The roots and shoots are eaten as salads be people and has a good effect on them.

Medicinal effects of taking evening primrose oil:

1. It serves as an acne control in our skin
2. Treatment for liver Cirrhosis.
3. It helps alcohol dependent person get the bad habit away.
4. It lowers high blood pressure and it is a good herbal medicine in lower cholesterol in our body.
5. Obesity, hyperacidity and even schizophrenia can be treated by taking evening primrose oil.
6. It is also good in improving the cervical fluid on women who wants to have a baby. But the oil varies from each individual.

There are studies that can prove the herbal effects of taking evening primrose oil. The oil is now being commercialized in gel capsules, more convenient to people who would like to take this plant oil.