Friday, April 10, 2009


Guava leaves has been used for centuries as a medicine for wounded people. In old times after a war, guava leaves are pounded and the pounded leaves are placed in the wound to prevent the wound from infection. In the southeast Asia, guava leaves are used as poultice after a circumcision. It is because the juice from the leaves is an effective antiseptic. For this procedure we will be needing the following.

1. Guava leaves, 10-15 pieces, freshly picked from the guava tree,
2. bottle for pounding.
3. knife
4. cloth


Chop the leaves of the guava into small pieces. Pound the leaves using the bottle. Slow pounding is advisable for it will not crash the leaves totally. When the leaves are already pounded, place the pounded leaves into the wound of the patient. Leave the poultice on the wound and wrap it with the cloth. Leave the poultice for about 24 hours and replace it with a new and fresh guava leave poultice. The healing of the wound will be fast and infection-free wound will be healed.